
This is the most common type of inspection we perform. Inspector(s) complete a thorough inspection of all major components of a residential property to include; Electrical, Exterior, Garage, HVAC – Heating and Cooling, Insulation and Ventilation, Interior, Kitchen Appliances, Laundry, Plumbing, Pool and Spa, Roof, Structural Components, Waterfront Components, and Wind Zone Protection. A wide variety of specialized tools are used to identify defects (including electrical testers, cameras, moisture meters, thermal imaging, scopes, drone, and others). A written report including photos, defects, and recommendations is provided to the Client(s).

Insurance companies require a 4-Point Report be provided for consideration of a homeowner insurance policy. We utilize the Citizens Insurance report form which is accepted by most insurance companies. The 4-Point Inspection is a limited inspection on the 4 Main Liability Components of a property which includes the Electrical, HVAC System, Plumbing, and Roof. A written report including photos and defects is provided to the Client(s). After defects are repaired, the Client(s) forward the "clean" 4-Point Report form to the homeowner (or commercial property) insurance company.

Insurance companies require a Wind Mitigation Report be submitted for consideration for a homeowner insurance policy. In Florida, property owners may receive certain discounts via credits based on the Wind Zone Protection for a property. Credits include Building Code, Roof Coverings, Roof Deck Attachment, Roof to Wall Attachment (i.e. Hurricane Clips, Hurricane Straps), Roof Geometry, Secondary Water Resistance (SWR Roof Underlayment), and Opening Protection (Doors and Windows). Wind Mitigation inspections identify and document all the credits a property qualifies for and documents the credits on a specific Wind Mitigation report form, along with photos of all eligible credits. This completed form is sent to the Client(s) and Client’s Realtor. The Client(s) then forward the Wind Mitigation Report form to the homeowner (or commercial property) insurance company.

Insurance companies may deny coverage or cancel coverage based on the age of the Roof. Roof covering material has a typical life expectancy and insurance companies set a standard of acceptable roof age. If the Roof is in satisfactory condition, it may be possible to delay Roof replacement by a couple years if a Roof Certification is performed. Inspector(s) inspect the Roof and document its condition with photos. A written Roof Certification Report is completed and sent to the Client(s), which is then forwarded to the homeowner (or commercial property) insurance company.

Following a tropical storm or hurricane, insurance companies or mortgage companies may require a Post Storm Inspection to verify the property did not sustain damage from the storm. Additionally, in the event the property did sustain damage, the insurance company may require immediate documentation of the extent of damage as part of the claim process. Inspector(s) complete an examination of the property and document the condition of the property with photos. A written Post Storm Report is completed and sent to the Client(s). The Client(s) then forwards the Post Storm Report form to the homeowner (or commercial property) insurance company.
Our Expertise

Florida is a popular destination for retirees or as a destination for “snow birds”. As a results, there are many Condominiums in Greater Tampa Bay. These are groups of attached single family residences. Condo complexes range from single story buildings to multi-story high rise buildings. While the exterior of the Condo is typically managed and maintained by the Condo Association, the Interior and related components are the responsibility of the homeowner. A Condo Inspection involves a thorough inspection of the Condo. A written report including photos, defects, and recommendations is provided to the Client(s).​

Florida is a popular destination for retirees seeking lower cost housing. As a result, there are a large number of mobile homes in Greater Tampa Bay. A Mobile Home Inspection involves a thorough inspection of the Mobile Home and all of its components. A written report including photos, defects, and recommendations is provided to the Client(s).​

Most people typically assume that a newly built property is free of defects. However, the construction process involves many contractors and as a result, the property may have defects which slipped through the cracks. There may also be workmanship defects or incorrectly installed components. The General Contractor does their best, but in many cases, they are unaware of the defects and the defects may not be identified for several years after the Builder’s Warranty has expired. A New Construction Inspection is a thorough inspection of the property which also includes visible defects that are acceptable in an older property, but not in a newly built property. We typically complete inspections at various stages of the building process including Post Slab and Pre Drywall, along with Pre Closing (when the property is fully built and ready for move-in). A written report including photos, defects, and recommendations is provided to the Client(s).​
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Pros with SunPro Inspect

There are various types of Commercial Inspections including a duplex, triplex, quadplex, or other multi-unit building, as well as a commercial office or warehouse. Inspector(s) complete a thorough inspection of the entire property and its components. A written report including photos, defects, and recommendation is provided to the Client(s).

Due to the tropical climate, Florida is home to various species of termites and other wood destroying organisms. Our inspectors are Florida certified home inspectors trained in all aspects of property inspection, including the recognition of damage caused by wood destroying organisms. However, the search for the presence of these organisms is best completed by Florida Licensed Pest Control Professionals who are continuously trained in detection and treatment for these wood destroying organisms. SunPro Inspect always recommends a buyer of a property to get a WDO Inspection by a licensed Pest Control Company which specializes in the detection and treatment of wood destroying organisms. We coordinate the scheduling of the WDO Inspection with one of the area WDO Inspection Companies to help make the entire inspection process simpler for our Clients and their Realtors. Following a thorough examination by the licensed WDO Inspector, a written report including photos and evidence, along with treatment recommendations is provided to the Client(s).